Monday, June 13, 2011

South Tryon Community Church pics

My uncle helped me cut all of the wood. Many of my friends helped me paint and stain all of the wood for the next several weekends. When school got out for summer, I transported all the materials to South Tryon Community Church to begin building. The first day we dug the holes for the benches and built the Cross. The next day, we put the cross into the ground with concrete and put the fence post into the ground. On the third day we put the bench O.D. tubes in the ground. The next day, with the help of Erin Jones and my day, we built the white picket fence. A week later, thanks to the help of Steve Keim and my dad, we built the benches. Up to this point, I have used 800 lbs of concrete!
I wrote my project up and it was approved in April. On the first weekend in May, I went to Home Depot to buy all of the supplies. Once we purchased the items that we got a generous discount on, we loaded them into Mrs. Letts's truck and took them home.
This is the first post of my blog! I am making this blog to tell you about my Eagle Scout project(and in order to fulfill a requirement for my Communication merit badge). My Eagle Scout project all started one day in October when I was talking to another Scout about their Eagle project. He told me that he had built a labyrinth at South Tryon Community Church. He went on to tell me that there was more that needed to be done to help out this Church. 
I contacted the Church and met with the Pastor several times. South Tryon Community Church needed someone to turn the area around the labyrinth into an area that people could meditate and feel the presence of God. We decided that the area of the labyrinth could use some benches, a white picket fence, a pedestal, some landscaping, and a Cross.